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My Story
Kia ora, my name is Toni. I am 59, married and have 7 amazing children and 7 wonderful grandbabies. I am lucky enough to have been born and live in gorgeous New Zealand.
I changed my health odds.
I am more fit, healthier, stronger and have loads more sustainable energy.
I have been cancer-free since 2017
I enjoy a strong immune response
I don't have pain and enjoy being supple and flexible.
I easily control my weight
Mentally I am calm and happy.
Gone is any mental fog, depression, and tiredness.
I have strengthened my cognitive function
I enjoy balanced hormones, symptom-free menopause and a fabulous libido.
You can also. I'll coach you how to.
Together we can change your health odds
Stack them in the direction of good health

Go on,
Live the life
you Love
And Love
the body
you Live in

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