Re-train your brain on how you react to stress.
We have to deal with stress every day. By retraining how, your brain reacts to stress will enable you to ride the waves. Unchecked stress wreaks havoc on our immune systems, making us susceptible to all sorts of diseases and illnesses and, less able to fight it. It annihilates your creativity. Paralyses your ability to succeed and create the life you desire. And it ages you at an accelerated rate both inside and out. It saps all your energy and leaves your tanks empty. You don't have the energy for yourself let alone for those around you. You are unavailable to those that need you or even worse you are a grumpy and unkind because there is nothing left. At the least your definitely not role-modeling hope to those who are relying on you.
But there are ways you can enable yourself to be able to ride those waves and even get rid of some of those gnarly waves.
Do more of those things that will destress and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.
Start fitting in more of the things that fill your heart with joy. They don't all have to be big things they can be small, just add as much as you can.
Are you giving your brain the nutrients it needs to deal with stress?
Are your self-beliefs supportive or destructive?
Get out of your brain, be present in the moment. Stop, slowly take a breath in through your nose and look around for something cool. Take a moment to appreciate it. These small positive bites throughout your day help to release chemicals in your brain that give you a positive boost.
Are you moving your body enough? Get up and move. Do as much as you can. Find ways to add more movement into your days.
Yep, starting today, you can retrain your brain to find solutions that will help you to ride those stressful waves more easily.